How to Effortlessly Memorise Motorway Reflective Stud Colours and Positions for Your UK Driving Theory Test


Remembering motorway reflective stud colours (aka Cat’s Eyes) can be tricky but it’s essential for safe motorway driving. In this guide, we’ll break down a fun and effective way to memorise each colour and its meaning.

What are Motorway Stud Colours and Why are They Important?

Motorway reflective studs, known as “Cat’s Eyes,” are placed along UK motorways to aid drivers with lane visibility, particularly in low light or bad weather. Each colour is strategically positioned to indicate different parts of the motorway and specific traffic flow areas, helping drivers stay safe and aware. Let’s dive into the meaning behind each stud colour!

Remember with MOTOR(G)WAY”!

An easy trick is to remember "MOTOR(G)WAY" – simply add a ‘G’ between “motor” and “way,” and each letter links to a specific stud colour, making the meaning easier to recall!

  • Red (R): Located between the hard shoulder and carriageway. A red traffic light means stop! You can use the hard shoulder to stop in an emergency.

  • Green (G): Found between the carriageway and slip roads. A green traffic light means GO! Green studs allow you to GO on and off the motorway at entry and exit points.

  • White (W): Positioned between lanes, these studs mark lane boundaries, similar to white road lines, they help divide lanes.

  • Amber (A): Located between the carriageway and the central reservation (the middle of the motorway). This central position reminds you of amber lights, which are in the centre of the traffic light.

  • Yellow (Y)/Fluorescent Green: Used in contraflow systems and roadworks. Workers often wear high-vis jackets in this colour, signalling temporary traffic flows.

We’ve created a diagram as a visual aid to help you remember these key points.

Motorway reflective stud (cat eye) colours

The diagram above is inspired by Dorian from Driving Theory UK’s YouTube video on motorway reflective studs which we’ve added below. Dorian cleverly introduced a mnemonic device, which highlights that the initials of the stud colours are listed in sequential order in the letters RWA of motoRWAy.

The memory cues used to remember the demarcation indicated by each stud colour are inspired by Inclusive Driving’s YouTube video on reflective road studs, featured below, and TestBuddy’s blogpost on motorway studs.